January 5

ACA Open Enrollment


Hi, this is Ronnie James with Tidewater Management Group, and I wanted to come to you today and say thank you to the many agents that we work with for a fantastic Annual Enrollment Period with Medicare.

ACA Marketplace

ACA Open Enrollment Deadline

January 15

I also want to encourage agents in the field today to consider if you're not already working in the ACA market. The ACA marketplace is a very healthy and thriving industry. As many of you know, the enrollment for ACA continues now through January 15th. Anything that's written between now and then will take a February 1st effective date.

The ACA is a marketplace for under 65 including those that are not disabled on Medicare. If they are on medicare, the marketplace obviously is not the place for them. They should go on to a Medicare plan.

Reduced Premiums and Less Compliance

However, there are millions of Americans that qualify for an ACA plan with tax credits. There are a lot of individuals out there who don't understand and who have not done the research to realize that they can get substantially reduced premiums on their ACA plans.

With many people qualifying for zero premium plans with the ACA products, there are not nearly as many concerns around compliance. You are able to call, you're able to essentially door knock and put hangers out. There's still a lot of opportunity and I know a lot of you probably have sold Medicare this year; maybe saying that I just need a breather. It's been a busy season and that's fine.

Opportunity for Future Medicare Clients

If you've been able to establish a relationship with them on their healthcare needs prior to 65, it gives you a definite advantage whenever it's time for them to look at Medicare.

I encourage you not to sit too long, because momentum is a funny thing. Once it stopped, it's so much harder to get it started again than if you continue that momentum. Right now, there are phone calls coming in for individuals who are looking for an agent. I understand that there are commercials, TV ads and billboards that are encouraging people to go to directly and sign up through the marketplace. We are seeing that there are individuals that will do that, but there is still that market of individuals who want to work with an agent.

If you have been putting that off, I encourage you to jump in. The ACA is here to stay, and it will create a pipeline of insurers as they get ready for Medicare. It's a natural transition from ACA over to Medicare.

If you've been able to establish a relationship with them on their healthcare needs prior to 65, it gives you a definite advantage whenever it's time for them to look at Medicare. If you have any questions, give us a call here at the office.

We'd love the opportunity to talk with you, to talk with you about the carriers that we offer through Tidewater Management Group.

I know that there are a lot of folks that we can help, and it always makes you feel good when you're helping people and you're able to benefit from it as well. If you have any questions again, give us a call at 888-622-9122.


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