Royal Neighbors of America

Royal Neighbors of America Life Insurance

Royal Neighbors of America Company is 123 years old with over $979 million in assets and $189 million of surplus. As one of the largest women-led organizations, Royal Neighbors of America is a not-for-profit life insurer with a 

focus on community. They have been committed to empowering women to achieve financial security since 1895.

Why Should You Sell Royal Neighbors of America Life Insurance?

  • Full product portfolio of term life, whole life, universal life, and premium annuities
  • Electronic applications with a streamlined process
  • Agent Access mobile app and Quick Quote online premium rate calculator
  • Annual agent incentive trip

Excellent Benefits

  • Multiple riders to choose from, including a unique cancer rider*
  • Discounts on vision, prescription drugs, heading aids, dental, MRI & CT scans, and lab testing*
  • Family legal protection plan with access to a nationwide network of over 17,000 attorneys
  • Provide financial assistance for members experiencing extreme financial hardship as a result of an illness, personal injury, or natural disaster
  • Retail discount program where members receive 1% to 4% cash back and other high value incentives for shopping online, with access to over 4,000 retailers and comparison tools
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Educational scholarships for eligible beneficial members

Royal Neighbors of America Setting the Standard in Senior Protection

  • Located in Rock Island, Illinois
  • Established in 1895
  • A.M. Best rating of A- (Excellent)

Royal Neighbors of America Life Insurance Resources

  • Agent portal (e-apps, supplies, quotes, commissions, and more)
  • Fax number: 1-866-787-1450

Need Royal Neighbors of America Supplies ASAP?

Go to and log in to the Royal Neighbors of America agent portal. Under Forms and Supplies you can download, print, or order your supplies. 

All orders placed online can easily be tracked using Royal Neighbors of America's agent website or through their agent support team. 

The minimum and maximum order is 10 per agent on all forms and applications excluding product profiles and agent guides, 100 forms per IMO/RGA.

Where Can You Sell This Life Insurance Policy?

Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming

Royal Neighbors of America Life Insurance State Availability

Call Tidewater Management Group today to find out the details on this life insurance plan avilable to our partners: (888) 622-9122

FOR AGENT USE ONLY - Cannot be distributed to the public or used in any consumer solicitation. Plans may not be available in all states. Contact Tidewater Management Group (National FMO) for more details. (888) 622-9122

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