Florida Blue Medicare

A select opportunity to offer your clients what they want now.

Get privileged access to Florida Blue Medicare’s product suite including PPO, HMO, DSNP, Part B Giveback and Veteran-specific plans.

Get contracted for Florida Blue Medicare

Provider Network

Your clients may be looking for new plan options this year. Make sure you have what they’re looking for now with select access to a competitive Florida Blue Medicare plan.

Florida Blue Medicare

Benefits of Florida Blue Medicare

Using Out-of-Network Providers

A marketing campaign driving seniors to contact appointed agents

A streamlined contracting process for new agents

Privileged access to Florida Blue Medicare’s product suite includes PPO, HMO, D-SNP, Part B Giveback and Veteran-specific plans

Plans may cover prescriptions, gym memberships, transportation and more

A trusted network of local doctors and hospitals

Opt-in to get contracted today.

Call 888-622-9122

Florida Regions Available

Regions sold - Florida Map

Get contracted for Florida Blue Medicare

Who is Florida Blue Medicare?

Florida Blue has been serving Floridians since 1965. With a rapidly expanding membership base of~155K current members and $1.8 billion in annual revenue, Florida Blue Medicare is an integral part of the GuideWell family.

Florida Blue Medicare currently offers 45 different plans across all counties in Florida. Plans include, but are not limited to, 5 legacy HMO’s, 10 high performing network HMO’s, 6 D-SNP, 11 LPPO’s, and more.

Florida Blue’s mission is simple: To help people and communities achieve better health. A key component of bettering our communities is helping get our products out into the market.

Older couple by pool

Opt-in to get contracted today.

Call 888-622-9122