November 7

Learn how to maintain your current Medicare book of business

Getting a new client in the door is a beautiful feeling that comes with new business opportunities and fortunes. However, maintaining your Medicare book of business is what really is essential. 

Insurance agent with old couple

The key thing to remember is that you want to stay connected to your clients so you can maintain your Medicare book of business. A lot of the time, the business partnership will get started but the upkeep of communication doesn’t stay steady. 

There are a variety of ways to make sure that you keep up with your current book of business.

Send birthday, anniversary, condolence, get-well, and thank you cards.

Sending customers birthday cards

 It is the simple things in life that resonate with someone and sending a card is a great way to leave a positive impression. When someone gets a birthday greeting or an acknowledgment of an anniversary; it makes them feel valued which is what you want your clients to feel. They want to be left with the impression that someone is in their corner. Sending these cards demonstrates how much you care about your clients.

If a client has a loved one that passes away, you can send them a condolence card. When a client is not feeling well, a get-well card would be in order. A simple thank you card saying you value them as your clients does the trick.  At the end of the day, get cards in the mail and it will leave a lasting impression. 

Follow up on December 8th about clients moving from a Medicare Supplement plan

It is important to keep communication continuous when working with your clients. Another opportunity to talk with your clients is to remind them to cancel their Medicare Supplement plan when they move off of it. The best time to reach out about this is on December 8th each year. They will remember that you took the time to reach out to them about this. 

Tools to help you maintain your Medicare book of business 

When you are working with your clients, it would be beneficial for you to visit our VIP Portal. There is a section that has customizable resources that would be great to use when reaching out to your clients. For example, there is a download for business card templates, birthday cards, letterheads and much more! Put these resources to good use so your partnership with your clients can grow. 

Host a member appreciation lunch

Every once in a while, it would be a nice gesture to host a lunch at a local spot in town. You can fire up the grill with hotdogs and hamburgers and invite your clients out for the day. This would be a great time to talk about product updates with them and keep the networking going. Face-to-face time is important to have with clients. A phone call or email is nice but nothing beats in-person networking. 

Reach out before the end of March and remind about OTC benefits (over-the-counter)

It is important to reach out to your clients every year towards the end of March and make sure to remind them about OTC benefits for the first quarter. The OTC benefits are not something that you want your clients to let go to waste for their health and weather products. A reminder goes a long to show your clients that you care and it keeps the communication going. This would be a great time to also talk about Hospital Indemnity plans. It is important to make sure your clients have the right coverage. 

Give out magnets to your clients

Stay in communication with your clients and provide them with a magnet that has your picture and phone number. When they walk in the kitchen, you are going to be remembered. The key here is to stay in the picture and keep the connection growing. The magnet is simple but a great tool to utilize with all of your clients.

Send out text messages, and emails during the Open Enrollment Period (OEP)

The Open Enrollment Period is one of the busiest times of the year for insurance agents. It is important to keep the communication steady from a digital perspective. During the OEP, make sure to send your clients text messages and emails with key information that they might need to know in regard to their coverage. 

These messages don’t have to be complex or take up a lot of your time to send. The key is to get information out and keep the communication intact

Maintain your Medicare book of business

After taking a look at these tips on how to stay connected with your current book of business, the relationships will only flourish. Getting a new client is special but keeping them is what really counts. 

Contact us at 888-622-9122 if you need anything! We are one phone call away!

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