Obtaining leads isn’t always easy and can require a lot of time. As the saying goes, time is money - and here at Tidewater, we understand that. That’s why we offer a suite of lead generation resources like the T65 Locator tool, completely free to our partners.
Here’s what you need to know about the T65 Locator, including benefits, features, how to use it for lead generation and what to do with the information once you have it.
Purpose of the T65 Locator
The T65 Locator is a powerful lead generation tool that makes finding Medicare prospects easier. It works to lighten your workload while increasing your book of business!
It has many features and benefits:
- Generates leads instantly
- Produces real time data wherever you are (updates to any location – not just zip codes!)
- Organizes clients by age and location
- Visually shows prospects on a map view
- Contact clients directly from app
- Recommends Medicare Supplement Plans for prospects
How to Access the T65 Locator
The T65 is completely free for TMG partners. It is easily accessible through your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.
Access the T65 App here: T65 Locator
How to Use the T65 Locator
Once you're registered and logged into the T65 Locator App, you'll click on the T-65 Locator icon.
Then, the T65 Locator map will appear!
*You will need to grant location access for the tool to work, so select "OK". You can now start looking for potential Medicare prospects!*
The map will show data based on your current location. You can change the location by dragging and dropping the blue pin to the new location you'd like to see.
Setting the T65 Map Preferences
You can change some of the settings to adjust the results your T65 map shows.
To do this, click on "Application Settings" on the T65 Locator homepage.
You will see "T65 Map Preferences". This is where you can adjust how many results appear, at what distance and so much more! The default settings are set to show 10 results in an area with individuals who are turning 65 in 6 months or less. You can change those settings to show up to 100 results in an area with individuals who are turning 65 in 12 months or less.
After you adjust your preferences be sure to click "Save Changes".
Med Supp Quoting Tip
The T65 Locator is connected to CSG Actuarial quoting tools. This allows you to access rates and underwriting guidelines more conveniently.
In "Application Settings", you can adjust your rate quote preferences. This is where you can change your default zip code for Med Supp rates.
When you see a suggested Med Supp rate on a prospect's card, you can simply click "more rates" to see all of the available Med Supp options in that zip code. You can also see quotes, company information, and underwriting guidelines.
*This will prepare you to contact and recommend plans for prospective clients!*
What Now?
The T65 Locator will provide you with the name, address, and birthday of prospective clients getting ready to turn 65. Now that you have their information, you may be wondering, “What do I do now?”.
This is an excellent opportunity to create personalized marketing tools to send to those clients.
Some ideas include:
- Personalized Mailings (add their name, age, birthday, etc.)
- Carrier Postcards (expose clients to carriers and recommended plans)
Get Started Today!
If you aren't already using the T65 Locator, it's time to get started!
Generate leads in less time and drive your business to new heights. Contact us at 888-622-9122 and we’ll help you get registered.