January 5

Medicare Special Enrollment Periods

Medicare Special Enrollment Periods

New Medicare Special Enrollment Periods have been announced in Georgia, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, and Oklahoma, as well as a renewed Special Enrollment Period in Florida.

  • North Carolina

  • Georgia

  • Florida

  • New York

  • New Jersey

  • Oklahoma

North Carolina state map - Medicare Special Enrollment periods

Declaration information New

State declaration: Winter Weather

SEP incident dates: 12/20/2022 – 02/16/2023 

This SEP declaration is effective: 12/20/2022 – 03/31/2023

Impacted counties for SEP purposes: All counties

Special Enrollment Period:  Take action before the clock runs out

This is not an extension of the annual enrollment period which was from October 15 through December 7. If someone made selections during that time frame, they are not eligible to use the Medicare special enrollment period.

Quick Tip

Agents are not allowed to advertise or market this special enrollment period to consumers.

Taking care of clients during Special Enrollment Periods

As an agent, we are responsible to take care of our clients and those that call us. However, we are not allowed to advertise this, and we ask that you do not put this out on social media. During this SEP, you can still enroll clients, but we advise that you don't it sing from the rooftops.

As always, we wish you the best out there and if you have any questions, feel free to give us a call at 888-622-9122. We are happy to go into further detail. 

*SEP for Government Entity-Declared Disaster or Other Emergency - 42 CFR 422.62(b)(18)

(Rev. 2, Issued: August 12, 2020; Effective/Implementation: 01-01-2021)

An SEP exists for individuals affected by a disaster or other emergency declared by a Federal, state or local government entity who were unable to, and did not make an election during another valid election period. This includes both enrollment and disenrollment elections.

Individuals are eligible for this SEP if they:

Reside, or resided at the start of the SEP eligibility period described in this guidance, in an area for which a federal, state or local government entity has declared a disaster or other emergency or they do not reside in an affected area but rely on help making healthcare decisions from one or more individuals who reside in an affected area; and
Were eligible for another election period at the time of the SEP eligibility period; and
Did not make an election during that other valid election period due to the disaster or other emergency.
The SEP starts as of the date the declaration is made, the incident start date or, if different, the start date identified in the declaration, whichever is earlier. The SEP ends two full calendar months following the end date identified in the declaration or, if different, the date the end of the incident is announced, whichever is later.

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