MedMutual Protect Home Health Care Indemnity Policy

MedMutual Protect

Two emerging patterns in healthcare involve preventative measures to maintain wellness and recuperating in the comfort of your own home following a hospitalization or illness/injury. MedMutual Protect's Home Health Care Indemnity Policy offers a cost-effective option that provides benefits directly to your customer, on top of any other existing coverage.

Policy Features:

  • Customers can use this money any way you choose, without restrictions.
  • Benefit checks are paid to the customer (unless they decide to assign their benefits to a provider), and in addition to any other coverage regardless of what your other insurance policies or government-sponsored benefits pay.
  • Customers receive treatment from the doctors and healthcare professionals of their choice - with no network restrictions or out-of-network penalties.
  • There's no need for a medical examination to qualify! As long as the customer is living independently and not in a nursing home, assisted living facility, or receiving home health care or similar services, they can't be denied.
  • Customers don't need to worry about deductibles or copays to access benefits.

Benefit Overview

  • Prescriptions
  • Home Health Care Services
  • Home Health Care Aide
  • Adult Day Care
  • Home Medical Equipment
  • Home Doctor Calls
  • Emergency Room or Urgent Care
  • Center Visits
  • Home Hospice Services

Extra Benefits Available:

  • Physical Exams
  • Eye Exams, Lenses and Frames
  • Hearing Exams and Hearing Aids
  • Dental Exams

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